Friday, May 23, 2014

A Marriage of Two Carribean Islands

Of course, you know I'm from Haiti. My husband is from St. Thomas US Virgin Islands.  My mother-in-love came for our daughter's college graduation.  So, I've decided to make one St. Thomas dish and my mother's favorite dish which I've made before.  The one thing we have in common is salt fish or mouri and boiled plantain which I've made before.  Friday, May 23rd is my parent's 63rd anniversary.  What a great celebration and wonderful authentic dishes.  Here's the menu: Saltfish, boiled plantain, Haitian cornmeal with red kidney beans, avocado, okra fungi.  Here are the pictures:

Haitian cornmeal with red kidney beans and avocado

Okra Fungi

Plantain, Saltfish and Fungi

I have to admit I'm not a fan of okra, but after it was all done, I did like it.  I will be making this more for my husband he really did like it and my mother-in-love raved over it. 
Until next week

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